Although the computer is a relatively recent innovation, its development rests on centuries of research, thought, and discovery. Advances in information processing technology are responses to the growing need to find better, faster, cheaper, and more reliable method of handling data. Because people have always found it difficult to keep track of the answers to solve problems. 

(MISS BLESSING A.MUOMAH)  The separate inventions, discoveries, and events that led to the creation of modern computer span the ages.
          Our forefather was using their finger and toes, which was difficult when counting large numbers of item. This limitation made them to seek for another method of counting their properties and so they started using tiny stones and pebbles, sticks cut to smaller sizes Until abacus come into existence.
COMPUTER: is an electronic device that works under a pre-defined instruction which make it to accept data, processed data, store data and bring out the processed data as an out put.
·        HOMES: computers are used in the homes for learning and entertainment. They are used for playing games, watching movies and playing music.
·        HOSPITALS: computers are used in keeping the records of patients’ diagnosis.
·        SCHOOL: computers are used in training and in keeping students records and results.
·        RESEARCH: computers are used for making researches through the internet.
·        FACTORIES: computers are used in factories for huge production of commodity.
·        BANKS: computers are used in banks for keeping customers records and transactions.
·        AIRPORTS: computers are in the control tower to ensure that a plane lands and leaves and also for weather forecast.
·        COURT: computers are used in keeping records in the law chambers for future reference
·                    IT CREAT EMPLOYMENT: with the help of the computer one can work in a big company as far as you know how to operate computer
·                    AIDS COMMUNICATION: computer makes communication easier.
·                    FAST AND RELIABLE: the job that three or more people will do will now be able to handle by one person within some few seconds or hours.     
·                    ACCURATE: computer gives designs and good result and in accurate form.
·                    ENTERTAINS: computer can be used in entertaining people
·                    IT CREATS UNEMPLOYMENT: computer creates unemployment, by a work two or more people will do, only one person can do it.
·                    COSTLY: they are very expensive, is not every body can afford the money to buy computer.
·                    COMPUTER CRIME: stealing with the computer or flauding i.e. taking what dose not belongs to you through the net.
·                    CORRUPTION: it corrupts our generation.
·                    LAZINESS: it causes laziness.
·                    EYE STRAIN: it damages our eyes.
·        REQUIRES SPECIAL SKILL: one has to know computer before using them
The ABACUS one of the earliest known computational devices uses of beads strung on wires to aid in addition and subtraction. It was developed in china in 500BC by the Chinese and Japanese. It was used for mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It was having difficulty in performing multiplication and division operations. 
In the early 1600s, JOHN NAPIER developed a sort portable tool called NAPIER BONES/RODS. This device was made of ivory rods resembling bones. This solved the problems of multiplication and division.
IN the mid 1600s BLAISE PASCAL a French mathematician,. Invented an adding machine called PASCSLINE MACHINE This machine was based on the decimal system much like an odometer keeps track of cars mileage, this pascaline used a series of eight rotating gear, or notched wheels, Each wheel stood for one place, the ones, tens, hundred, and so on.
          Unfortunately, markets for the pascaline never grow, only fifty pascaline machine were built and he is the only person that can repair his machine.


In the late 1700s JOESPH JACQUARD developed a way of recording each loom setting by using holes punched in cards (the punched card).A particular set of hole in card corresponding to each loom setting jacquard next designed a loom that could reach the punched cards, or instructions, and translate them into appropriate loom setting.



CHARLES BABBAGE, an English mathematician, was the first to plan automatic calculating machine. He wanted his to build table showing the result of complex mathematical operations quickly and accurately.
          In 1822, Babbage built working model of his first idea, called the difference engine. Babbage lost interest in his project when he began a new one THE ANALYTICAL ENGINE this steam powered machine was designed to receive instructions and input form. It would add, subtract, multiply and division. It also stores the result and prints them automatically. Babbage is known as THE FATHER OF COMPUTER.
HERMAN HOLLERITH, a statistician, the u.s government was encountering problems in trying to process data gathered in the census. The last census, taken in 1880, had required seven and one half years of manual calculations.Hollerith developed the forerunner of today’s standard card.
Hollerith was the owner of (I.B.M). International business machine
·                    INPUT: This is the action of sending data into the computer system for processing.
·                    INPUT DEVICES: They are the peripherals used for sending data into the computer system.                 
E.g. keyboard, mouse, scanner, joy sticks, light pen, digital cameras.




·                    OUTPUT: This is the action of displaying the result of already processed data / information which is usually on paper (Hard copy)
·                    OUTPUT DEVICES: They are the computer peripherals machine used for displaying the result of already processed data. E.g. monitors, projectors, speakers, plotters.
·                    STORAGE: This is the action of saving data/information into a various computer storage disks for future retrievals.
·                    STORAGE DEVICES: These are the peripherals used for saving data/information for future use e.g. 31/2 floppy diskette, flash disk, c.d plates,
          C D PLATES                                          
·                    COMPUTER COMPONENT: They are the element that makes up computer system. They are.
·                    Hard Ware
·                    Soft Ware
·                    Human Ware
·                    Literature
·                    HEARD WARE: are those physical computers which can be seen, fell, or touch e.g. monitors, keyboards CPU, mouse printers.
·                    SOFT WARE: They are set of instructions that direct the activities of the computers system in order to achieve a specific task.
·                    SYSTEM SOFT WARE
·                    APPLICATION SOFT WARE: They are already made programmer designed by computer programmers or manufactures to assist the computer users to perform his or her work. E.g. ms word, ms power point, ms excel.
·                    SYSTEM SOFT WARE: They are the soft ware written by computer manufactures which enable the to perform its work and they always come with the system. E.g. window, Macintosh, ms dos.
·                    HUMAN WARE: these are those people that are trained to work with the computer. E.g. computer engineers, operators. Students.
·                    LITERATURE: These are those text books that are telling us about computers.e.g. Text books
·                    MOUSE: is the one of the component of computer which one can use to send data into the system.
·                    BALL MOUSE: is the one that has bore at the button.
·                    SCROLL MOUSE: is the one that has scroll button.
·                    OPTICAL MOUSE:
·                    CLICKING: pressing an item one.
·                    RIGHT CLICKING: it is done by pressing the right button.
·                    DOUBLE CLICKING: it is done by pressing the button of a mouse twice in quick susection.
·                    CLICKING AND DRAGGING: holding down the mouse button and drag it to your desired position.
·                    STANDARD KEYBOARD: it has 85 standard key that labeled from f1 to f10
·                    ENHANCED KEY BOARD: it has 10 keys that labeled from f1 to f12.
MICRO SOFT WORD: This is word processing program that is used to type letter, memos, bulletin, newspapers handout, magazine and project works.
They have high level of accuracy in grammars and spelling. It is a program designed by Microsoft cooperation of America owned by Bill Gate. It comes in different office versions which include 97,98,2000,2003,2005,2007 and xp (expert professionals.).
It is parts of Microsoft Word window environment; as you can see on page 11 of this project work.
·                    APPLICATION TITLE BAR
·                    MENU BAR
·                    STANDARD TOOL BAR
·                    FORMATING TOOL BAR
·                    SCROLL BAR
·                    STATUS BAR
·                    DRAWING TOOL BAR
·                    TASK BAR
·                    TASK PANE
·                    THE CLOSE BUTTON
·                    THE RESTORE BUTTON
·                    THE MINIMIZE BUTTON
·                    THE MAXIMIZE BUTTON
·                    APPLICATION TITLE BAR: This has a bluish background at default. The application title bar and also bears the close, the restore, the maximize button. It also shows the current document page that is running at a particular time.
·        MENU BAR: This bear the 9 menus commands when one is working on a current document in Microsoft word program. The menus include file, edit, view, insert, format, tool, table, window, and help.
·        STANDARD TOOL BAR: This bears the shortcut command of the menu bar. The shortcut includes open, save as, print preview, new print.
·        FORMATING TOOL BAR: This bears the tool one can use to format or beatify the content of a active document they include bold, italics, justify, underline, increase indent, decrease indent, center, align left, align right.
·        HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL RULERS: This is use to set the margins of a document.
·        SCROLL BARS: This is use to move side to side, up and down of a current document to show it’s content,



·        STATUS BAR: It shows the page number, the column numbers, and the section number of a current document.
·        DRAWING TOOL BAR: This has the tool one can use to work on clip art object and word art object. The tools includes word-art, textbox, clip art.
·        TASK BAR: it has the minimize document it also bears the start button as well as computer date and time.
·        TASK PANE: This is seen on the side view of a current document where new blank document can be inserted from. It also bears the search box from which a clip art object can be searched for, from M.S. gallery. General template, resume wizard, calendar wizard can also be inserted from the task pane. It also bears the resent saved document.
·        CLOSE BUTTON: key board short cut for close button is (ctrl+w or alt+f4) this is used to close a current document of a page.
·        RESTORE BUTTON: key board short cut to restore button is (alt+f5 or alt+f10) this is used to get a current document to a half screen.
·        MINIMIZE BUTTON: key board short cut is(all program) this is used to hide the content or a document page to the task bar. To bring it back is (alt+tab).                                                     
·        MAZIMIZE BUTTON: This is used to view a current document page to a full screen. The key board short cut is (alt+f10)
We have nine (9) menus in micro soft word they are.
·                    File menu: available commands are new, open, close, save, save as, save as web page, search, web page preview, page setup, print preview, print, send to, and exit.
·                    Edit menu: available commands are undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, paste special, clear, select all, replace, go to, edit picture.
·                    View: available commands are normal web layout, print layout, outline, task pane, tool bars, ruler, document map, full screen, zoom.
·                    Insert menu: available commands are break, page number, date and time, auto text, field symbol, comment, reference, web component, picture, text box, file, object, book mark, hyper link.
·                    Format menu: available commands are font, paragraph, bullets and numberings, borders and shading, columns, drop cap, text direction, change case, back ground, frames, auto format, style and formatting.
·                    Tool menus: available commands are spelling and grammars, language, word count, track change, compare and merge document, research, protect document, letters, wizard, macros, and auto current options.
·                    Table menus: available commands are draw table, insert, delete, merge cell, split cell, split table, table auto format, auto fit, convert, sort, formula.
UNDO: key board short cut is (ctrl +z) this is used to reverse the last action done
·        Click on edit menu.
·        From the pull down that will appear, click on undo.
REDO: Key board short cut is (ctrl +y) this is the opposite of undo. It is used to undone action
·        Click on edit menu.
·        From the pull down menu that appears click on redo.
     CUT: key board short cut is (ctrl +x) this is used to lift the content of a selected item from a current document to the clip board.
·        Select item to cut
·        Click on the edit menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear click on cut.
COPY: key board short cut is (ctrl +c) this is used to make duplicate of a selected item.
·        Click on edit menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear click on copy
PASTE: key board short cut is (ctrl +v) this is used to display the content of the clip board.
·        Click on the edit menu
·        From the menu that will appear click on paste
PASTE SPECIAL: this is used to display the content of a different program to a document
·        Open a program
·        E.g. ms power point, ms excel
·        Type in the text, select it’s content and click on copy cut
·        Open the edit menu on ms word environment
·        From the pull down menu that will appear click on paste special
·        On the paste special dialogue page select the program from which the item is copied or cut.
CLEAR: this is used to erase selected item from a current document
·        Select the item you wish to clear on the edit menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear click on clear
SELECT ALL: key board short cut is (ctrl +a) this is use to chose part of a current document
·        Click on the edit menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear click on select all.
FIND: keyboard shortcut (ctrl+f) this is used to search for a particular word used in current document.
  REPLACE: keyboard shortcut (ctrl+h) this is used to substitute a word used in a current document.
·        Click on edit menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appears click on find the flier that appears type in the defined question and click on find
·        Types in word to replace with and click on replace all.
GO TO: keyboard shortcut (ctrl+g) this is use to locate particular page line, comment, filed, and note, table, foot note.
·        Click on edit menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear click on “go to”
·        From the go to dialogue page either click on end or click on page to move to a particular page.
EDIT PICTURE: this is used to remove or add features to an inserted clip object.
·        Insert the picture from the clip art gallery
·        Select the picture go to edit menu
·        From the drop down menu that will appear click on edit picture.
In the white area of the screen, (page 19) there is a flashing vertical line called insertion point or cursor. Any text typed will appear at the insertion point. You do not need to press the enter key at the end of the line because word will automatically wrap text round the next line.
Text can be typed in upper case (capital letter) or lower case (small letter) then to type in capital letters press the caps lock a green light will show but to type in small letter press the caps lock again for the green to off.
TO DELETE A BLOCK OF TEXT: Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to the right to highlight the text, then press delete.
SETUP YOUR DOCUMENT PAGE: You can setup your document page by setting the paper size and margins.
To do this
·                    Click on file menu
·                    From the drop down menu that will appear
·                    Click on page setup
·                    Click margins tab and set your margins,
·                    Click paper size and select the size of paper you want
·                    Then click ok
As you type text from the key board it will appear on your screen and you can watch as your document grows. This document exist only on the screen and in the temporary memory of the computer, and can be lost if there is power failure. There is then a need to save the document in a secondary storage device.
·                    click on file menu
·                    click on save
·                    type the name on the save dialogue box
·                    click ok
You can save a file as many times as you wish sing the SAVE command.
Word will only ask you for file name the first time you save a file using save command.
All subsequent saves will update the existing file without asking for another file name.
If you have finished working on a document for the time being, but you want to carry WORD to edit different document, you should save your work as describe above, then select CLOSE from the file menu.
This will close the document but will still keep the word processing soft ware running.
When you want to continue on a document that you started earlier you should
·                    click on file menu
·                    from the dialogue box that will appear
·                    click open
·                    click on the file you want from the file list in the dialogue box
·                    and click ok
To start a new document click on the new icon in the standard toolbar. This will give a new screen with a blank document area.
FONT: this is used to beautify selected character in a current document. They includes: font, size, font style colour, underline, bold, italics, also text effect. 
·        select the text you wish to format
·        click on format menu
·        from the pull down menu that will appear, click on font
·        On the font dialogue page, select the font style, font size, font colour.
·        Click on ok at the end of every specification.
PARAGRAPH: they are automated by Microsoft word macros. They are used when emphasis are to be made on a selected text in a current document. It is advisable for the user to use manual paragraphing when typing by using the tab key on the keyboard. 
BULLETS AND NUMBERING: BULLETS- are the items or picture that are used when emphasis are to be made in paragraph of a current document.
NUMBERING: are special numbering alphabets used when emphasis are to be made on a paragraph of a current document.
·        Select the text you want insert the bullets or numbering
·        Click on the format menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear, click on bullet and numbers
·        On the bullets and numbering. Dialogue page select the bullet or number you wish to use and click on ok.
BORDERS AND SHADING: this is used to add page border or text border to a current document
SHADING: is used to beatify the background on which the text is being type.
·        Click on format menu
·        From the pull down that appear, click on borders and shading
·        From the borders and shading dialogue page select page borders if you wish to insert borders on the page.
Click on shading; select the color you wish to be your shade
·        Click ok at the end of every specification
COLUMS: this is used to insert columns on a current document at a cursor position
·        Click on format menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear, click on columns
·        On the column dialogue page, select the number of columns
·        Click ok at the end of every specification
DROP CAP: this is used to make emphasis on the first of sentence in a current document. Such that the text is dropped line other line
·        Select the first term
·        Click on format menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear click on drop cap
·        From the drop cap dialogue page click dropped
·        Select number of line to drop
·        Also select it’s distance from text
·        Click on ok at the end of every specification
TEXT DIRECTION: this is used to change the orientation or direction of a content of the text box
·        click on the insert menu to insert the text box
·        type in the text inside the text box
·        select the text and go to format menu
·        from the pull down menu that will appear, click on text direction
·        On the text direction dialogue page, select the orientation or direction you wish the text to appear.
·        Click on ok at the end of every specification
CHANGE CASE: this is used to change the case of selected item of a current document.
·        Selected the text you wish to change its case
·        Click on the format menu
·        From the pull down menu that will appear, click on change case either sentence case, lower case, toggle case or tittles case.
BACK GROUND: this is used to beautify the back ground of a current document. It is also used to add printed water mark or picture water mark on a current document.
·        Click on format menu
·        From the pull down menu that appear, click on background
·        From the pull out menu that will appear, select the colour or the printed water mark
·        On the water mark dialogue page, select either picture or text water mark
·        Select from the returned to you, click on ok at the end of every specification.
AUTO FORMAT: this is used to automatically form the content of a current document. It is advisable not to use the auto format on a current document.
Select the text you to auto format
Click on format menu, from the pull down menu that will appear click on auto format
STYLE: this is used to review the style that is used in a current document. STEPS:
·        Click on on the format menu
From the pull down menu that will appear, click on style.
Uses of computer have become general phenomena in almost all area of human endeavors such that today in the society they need the assistance of the computer for fast and easy dispensation of their functions and duties. Example, students, traders, layers, teacher to be mention but few all can make use of computer for maximum dispensation of the tasks required of them.
In conclusion, micro soft word will ever remain the best word processor so far in the whole universe.

(cured from unpublished book Titled YOU AND COMPUTER by Engr.I.E. Muomah, E-mail: muoma4christ@yahoo.co.uk)

LOST LOVE QOUTE "Its hard to pretend you love someone when you don't, but its harder to pretend you don’t love someone when you really do." "The worse way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you can never have them." "Sometimes you dont realize how much you love someone until they stopped loving you." "Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for they can only appreciate the importance of the people who have touched their lives." "Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be as difficult, for strength is measured not by holding on but by letting go." "When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness and look down upon the ground. Instead, keep your head high and gaze into the heavens, for that is where your heart has been sent to heal." "If you really love someone, you want them to be happy...so you learn to let go, no matter how much it hurts you." "The saddest thing in life is loving the person who used to love you." "It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else....but it is more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you." "When your heart is broken, you will move on, but your one true love will always stay in your heart. So dont be scared to let go because they will always be there." "There are some things that we never want to let go of... people we never want to leave behind; but keep in mind that letting go is not the end of the world, but rather it is the beginning of a new life." "If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of you but for some reasons he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while." "It's really painful to say goodbye to someone else that you don't want to let go; but it's even more painful to ask someone to stay if you can never make the relationship work out the way it should be." "LOVE has it's own season and reason. You can't ask it to stay. You can only embrace it when it comes and be glad that for a moment in your life, it was yours." "It is so sad to be with someone you thought you love, only to realize later that your heart belongs and will always long for the person you left behind." "To let go of someone doesn't mean you have to stop loving, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back." "Letting go is not just setting the other person free, but it is also setting yourself free from all bitterness, hatred, and anger that keep in your heart." "Love makes us all a little weaker, but in the end we all turn out a little stronger." "Do not let the bitterness rare away your strength and weaken your faith, and never allow pain to dishearten you, but rather let you grow with wisdom in bearing it." "When the tears are on the outside, the healing's on the inside." "Cry, if you have to.. but make it sure that the tears wash away the hurt and the bitterness that the past has left with you."

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